Prayer works

Author: Apostle F. Dzur
April 2024

Almost a third of the year has passed. We have experienced the joy of Easter, and now as time marches on, spring unfolds in a wonderful manner. Our motto for the year, “Prayer Works,” remains in force. How is my prayer life? A question we can and should ask ourselves!

We know that prayer is critical for maintaining our faith. The catechism states faith without prayer is not a living faith (CNAC 13.1), and without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Likewise, our prayers without faith become superficial.

Our Chief Apostle reminded us that prayer makes us grateful when we consider all that we can be thankful for. Prayer makes us compassionate as we consider those around us and bring our intercessions. Prayer makes us strong, sanctifies us and unites us. These are the effects of prayer. Prayer works, but how does it work for me?

Our prayer life is deeply personal and vital to establishing our relationship with our triune God. We can simply talk to Him, open our hearts, and share our wishes, troubles and concerns. In good times and in bad times, we come to Him in sincerity and trust. Let us pray always.

Years ago, “family prayer” was promoted. How wonderful when couples pray together, when parents pray with their children and when we as members pray with one another. It creates a closeness and a bond when we pray together and share what is in our hearts with one another.

Indeed, prayer is the breathing of the soul. Our sincere prayer is like taking a breath of fresh air.

We live in a time where we are always rushing, but it is good advice to take time to pray. Carve out the moments to say, ‘Good morning Lord,’ ‘Thank you,’ or ‘Good night.’ Perhaps it may only be a gentle sigh or plea. God hears and also responds.

Prayer can only work when we pray. We also realize that, first and foremost, Jesus Christ also intercedes for us. In addition, the many ministers, together with our brothers and sisters, take time to pray for us. This assures us that we are not forgotten but strengthens and gives us comfort. Let us consciously work at deepening our own prayer life, for when we do this, we will experience that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16 NIV).

Together with our District Apostle, Apostles and Bishops in Canada, we assure you of our prayers for you.



Our prayers   |    The joy of music   |    Pentecost   |    Prayer works   |    Passiontide   |    Sharing faith across generations   |    Prayer works   |    Close of the year   |    Christmas   |    Action de grâces   |    Thanksgiving   |    Learning and growing   |    The communion of the Holy Spirit   |    A living faith   |    Pentecost 2023   |    The love of God   |    Passiontide   |    Pillars: Shining for God   |    Older and powerful in Christ   |    Closing of the year   |