
Author: Bishop G. Trautmann
June 2022

When we speak about birth, especially one in the family it moves us in a very special way. We are moved and joyfully celebrate the new life that comes into the family circle. Let us apply the same to Pentecost which is the birth of the Church of Christ and reveals God as being triune. Pentecost is celebrated 50 days after the resurrection of Jesus, Easter Sunday, and marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is a feast of great joy for the realization, presence and activity of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised the Holy Spirit and it was experienced in a powerful way. Signs were shown, the speaking of multiple languages, the tongues of fire and the baptism of 3,000 believers. These were important to the Jews as the Ap. Paul confirms in 1 Corinthians 1: 22. The question of the sign stemmed from the desire of the Jews to discern if something was from God or the devil.

Today the power of the Holy Spirit comes to its full expression through the Apostle ministry, through the laying on of hands of the Apostle in the act of Holy Sealing, the gift of the Holy Spirit is received. This occurs in the fellowship of the Risen One and the bridal congregation. The expression of our goal from both the Holy Spirit and the congregation is the same “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come.” The message come is also at the core of our profession because God loves us, and wants to give us eternal fellowship with Him. 

The impact that ignites our faith in the Lord is the work of the Holy Spirit. The answer to the question of the believers on the first Pentecost “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” begins in the same way today, repent and be reborn with water and spirit.  



Thanksgiving   |    Action de grâces   |    Chosen for His purpose   |    Our prayers   |    The joy of music   |    Pentecost   |    Prayer works   |    Passiontide   |    Sharing faith across generations   |    Prayer works   |    Close of the year   |    Christmas   |    Action de grâces   |    Thanksgiving   |    Learning and growing   |    The communion of the Holy Spirit   |    A living faith   |    Pentecost 2023   |    The love of God   |    Passiontide   |    Pillars: Shining for God   |    Older and powerful in Christ   |