Pillars: Shining for God

Author: Priest C. Whiteley
February 2023

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5: 14-16 NIV)

As New Apostolic Christians, understanding our role in our heavenly Father’s plan is paramount to success. What is this role? To profess our belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ and to support the mission of the Apostles in preparing the Bride of Christ. The contribution that you as Pillars can make in representing God and His Son is unique. No other demographic subset of society has the capacity or characteristics that Pillars exhibit. Within a ten-year period, most of you will be formally educated or learn a trade, obtain full-time employment shaping a career, seek out a life partner and commit to them, and buy or rent your own place (and manage the burdens that come along with that). The capacity and openness to navigate all that change and contribute to the work of God is what makes you special.

The strongest profession we can make is representing God through our words and deeds in new and creative ways. This requires the same openness and change mentality. We do this for the benefit of others, out of our love for God because we receive so much from Him. You determine if and how much of Christ’s light you emit. We all want positive, successful, and fulfilling lives. This isn’t found in darkness, only in the light. Let us choose to shine in every aspect of life but most importantly in our faith.



Our prayers   |    The joy of music   |    Pentecost   |    Prayer works   |    Passiontide   |    Sharing faith across generations   |    Prayer works   |    Close of the year   |    Christmas   |    Action de grâces   |    Thanksgiving   |    Learning and growing   |    The communion of the Holy Spirit   |    A living faith   |    Pentecost 2023   |    The love of God   |    Passiontide   |    Pillars: Shining for God   |    Older and powerful in Christ   |    Closing of the year   |