Closing of the year

Author: Bishop R. Braun
December 2022 

At the beginning of 2022, we were given a motto by our Chief Apostle Schneider to be “Together in Christ”. Not only was this a motto, but something you and I tried to live by - sharing the gospel and the love of Christ with others. As we look back over the last year, I am sure each one of us experienced a lot of joyful times, and also some challenging times. Regardless of what we went through, we remained with Jesus Christ, and this made it possible to celebrate and endure everything we had encountered.

I am reminded of Apostle Paul’s letter which we can read in Ephesians 4: 2-3 (NIV), “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

In these two verses, Apostle Paul highlights four qualities that are required to maintain the unity of the church. By continuing to remain humble, gentle, patient, and in love, we can continue this togetherness with Jesus Christ, and with one another as we continue our walk of faith.

Now, let us look towards the future and see how we can experience Jesus Christ and God in the new year. Let us continue to:

1. Strive to love God above all else, and to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.
2. Share the promise of God that He wants all of humanity to be saved.

If we can strive to love God and our neighbour, and share the promise of God with others, I am convinced 2023 will be filled with much peace, joy, and hope.

Let us all consistently pray that we have the strength and the courage to carry on our path of faith until the promise of God is fulfilled. May your year ahead be filled with numerous experiences of faith and a closeness to God that is indescribable in words.



Our prayers   |    The joy of music   |    Pentecost   |    Prayer works   |    Passiontide   |    Sharing faith across generations   |    Prayer works   |    Close of the year   |    Christmas   |    Action de grâces   |    Thanksgiving   |    Learning and growing   |    The communion of the Holy Spirit   |    A living faith   |    Pentecost 2023   |    The love of God   |    Passiontide   |    Pillars: Shining for God   |    Older and powerful in Christ   |    Closing of the year   |