Welcome to the New Apostolic Church Canada

You are warmly invited to join our virtual congregation that is prompted by the love of Jesus, the teaching of the Holy Spirit and the joyful awaiting of Christ's return, with special divine services online. We hope you will take the time to discover how being a New Apostolic Christian can benefit you. 






Author: District Apostle M. Woll
September 2024

Growing up, our parents taught us to say “Thank you” when something was given to us in an effort to teach us to appreciate and value what we possessed. In this fast-paced world, we move from week to week and from event to event. It seems we barely take the time to savour the moments, reflect on the experiences, and truly appreciate even the smallest opportunities in our hands.

As we approach our church Thanksgiving Day on Sunday, October 6, 2024, let us stop and consider the marvellous works and wonders which God has done (1 Chronicles 16: 12). God has given us life; we are part of His great creation. God is Lord and continues to care for His creation. God loves us, has not abandoned human beings and continues to show mercy towards us regardless of our conduct. We can depend on God’s love, grace and faithfulness.

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Chosen for His purpose
Author: Evangelist J. Jansen
August 2024

For the 2024 Pan-American Youth Summit, the Chief Apostle based the divine service on Romans 8:29. The New Living Translation says it like this:

"For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters."

This means God always intended for His people to become like His Son. And we are, in fact, His people, chosen for His purpose long before we were born. And it does not matter where we were born, where we live now, or our life situation. 

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Our prayers – A TIP
Author: Apostle J. Sturm
July 2024

A small child’s simple yet heartfelt prayer to God. The Lord’s Prayer. What makes a prayer so impactful? We explore this question as we continue the “Prayer Works” series initiated by Apostle Dzur, who shared insights on maintaining an authentic connection to God.  

The New Apostolic Church teaches that in prayer, humans “bow before God’s majesty and love in humbleness.” (CNAC 13.1). It's the quality of our connection with God that counts, not the length of our prayers. After introducing the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus Christ taught to be persistent in prayer by using the example of seeking help from a neighbour late at night to feed an unexpected guest (Luke 11:5-8).

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