You/your child may participate in activities within the Sunday School Program curriculum which include, but are not limited to lessons or spiritual education:

  • singing
  • playing musical instruments - piano, organ, recorder, hand bells, tone chimes
  • arts and crafts - use of scissors, glue, small craft materials
  • plays and skits - use of costumes
  • biblical board games
  • clay, playdough, plasticine
  • active games - physical activities that may involve balls, running, skipping, jumping, crawling, tossing - inside and outside on church property
  • light food preparation or baking - cookies, cakes, bread
  • snacks
In all activities there is an element of risk.  While the New Apostolic Church Canada, volunteers and church leaders take reasonable precautions to minimize these risks, there is no guarantee against injury or loss.

Some of these risks associated with typical activities include (but not limited to): scrapes, cuts or bruises, sprains, strains or possible broken bones; illness from known or unknown sources; unforeseen injuries from automobile accidents to and from events; unforeseen injuries from activities, equipment or actions of you/your child, other participants or other people, including negligent actions.

From time to time you/your child may attend activities or events (camps, weekend trips or special events) that would be in addition to the activities outlined above. Your permission will be required for those specific events.