Welcome to the New Apostolic Church Canada

You are warmly invited to join our virtual congregation that is prompted by the love of Jesus, the teaching of the Holy Spirit and the joyful awaiting of Christ's return, with special divine services online. We hope you will take the time to discover how being a New Apostolic Christian can benefit you. 






Prayer works
Author: Apostle F. Dzur
April 2024

Almost a third of the year has passed. We have experienced the joy of Easter, and now as time marches on, spring unfolds in a wonderful manner. Our motto for the year, “Prayer Works,” remains in force. How is my prayer life? A question we can and should ask ourselves!

We know that prayer is critical for maintaining our faith. The catechism states faith without prayer is not a living faith (CNAC 13.1), and without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). Likewise, our prayers without faith become superficial.

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Author: Shepherd F. Yaeger
March 2024

The two-week period leading up to the celebration of Christ's resurrection on Easter Sunday is known as Passiontide. The word Passion derives from the Latin word passio, which means suffering.

We observe these days with meditation and consideration of the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ and all that He endured for our eternal benefit. During this time, we may even contemplate our own suffering due to the many difficulties that we experience in life.

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Sharing faith across generations
Author: District Evangelist K. Berry
February 2024

Generational wealth is wealth that is passed down from one generation to the next. While such wealth is usually financial, faith is also part of our spiritual wealth and should be shared across generations. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen and without faith, it is impossible to please God. (Hebrews 11: 1,6)

Today, there is much division amongst generations (Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, etc.), with each having its unique characteristics, values, attitudes and outlook on life possibly shaped by their diverse life experiences. However, these differences should not stop us from sharing our faith across generations.

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